Principal’s Message

Our school has a strong commitment to quality teaching and learning and lives by our school motto, “United in Love”. Teachers, students and the school community are inspired to be active learners who embody our school values of acceptance, dignity, hope and compassion on a daily basis.

St Kevin’s is a co-educational school for children from Kindergarten to Year 6.

The school belongs to the Diocese of Broken Bay, is centrally located in the heart of Dee Why and is part of the Parish of Warringah. Our school is equipped with the latest teaching and learning technologies and the ergonomic building design ensures a comfortable and efficient learning environment.

St Kevin’s strong Pastoral Care and student leadership programs provide for high quality interpersonal relationships as well as school rules which make for safe, responsible, respectful and proud learners.

At St Kevin’s Catholic Primary School we are proud of our academic, sporting and creative arts achievements.

Adrian Pulley

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