Parents and Friends Association

The Parents and Friends Association (P&F) recognises and values the role that parents and carers play in the education of their children and aims to strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for their benefit of their children’s overall development and learning. The St Kevin’s Parents and Friends meet each term.

The P&F endeavour to:

  • reach out to all associated with the school to build a friendly and welcoming faith filled community which seeks to involve all its members;
  • provide a parental perspective to assist the principal in decision making;
  • raise funds to provide resources and opportunities for enriching the learning environment of the school;
  • support parents and carers in their parental responsibilities and involvement in their children’s learning at home and school;
  • provide opportunities for parents and carers to gain insights into the life of the school, current developments in education and Catholic education in particular;
  • provide a means for parents and carers to affiliate with the Diocesan Parent Council and have a voice at diocesan level and with the Council of Catholic School Parents (NSW) at a state level.

The P&F organises a variety of fundraising and social events, including special day breakfasts, gift stalls for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and other events as they arise.

Class Parents Network

The Class Parent Network complements the role of the P&F Association drawing parents more fully into the school community of St Kevin’s. Its purpose is to promote a co-operative atmosphere between parents and teachers, ensuring a supportive working partnership for the benefit of all our children. Each class has a class parent who, in turn form a team that meets regularly with the Principal and Parent Engagement Co-ordinator as one of the consultative groups in the community.

The Class Parent Network has a strong pastoral dimension and the Class Parent is also a support person for the class teacher, parents and new families to the class. Class parents also co-ordinate social events for the school as a way for families to get together out of school hours for example for a picnic or play date or at P&F planned functions.

P&F Executive 2025 Team

President – Mel Navin

Vice President – Lucy Richards

Treasurer – Adrienn Sweeney

Contact the St Kevin’s P&F

The P&F committee can be contacted via

P&F Documents

Term 4 2024 P&F Meeting Minutes Term 3 2024 P&F Meeting Minutes Term 2 2024 P&F Meeting Minutes P&F Events Calendar Term 3 P&F Meeting Minutes Term 2 P&F Meeting Minutes