St Kevin’s End of Day Dismissal and Routines 

This news post provides information on our end of day dismissal and routines.


3.05pm Kiss and Ride 

An announcement is made for all Kiss and Ride students to meet at the Car Park Exit Gate. 

Teachers on Kiss and Ride walk all students through the car park and students sit and wait on the driveway until their names are called. 

Cars line up on Oaks Avenue (ensuring you do not block driveways or roundabout). 

Please have your laminated name card on clear display in the windshield. 

If you have lost yours or need an additional name card – please call the office on 7256 2117 or email and one will be sent home with your child. 

A safety note: If you need to turn around on Oaks Avenue – please ensure you do so at the roundabout or via the Council car park. Do not turn into driveways.  

By 3.15pm Dismissal from the Undercroft 

All other children stay in their classrooms for final pack up and afternoon prayer.  

All classes prepare to move downstairs for afternoon bell. 

All classes assemble in class lines in the Undercroft. 

Each teacher dismisses their class at bell time and walks their students to OOSH. 

Parents collect their children as they are dismissed by the class teacher.  

Bikes and scooters/ Crossing the lights at Oaks Avenue 

The “Lights Duty” teacher meets all students riding bikes at the bike rack and walks them through the car park and to the crossing.  

All students to walk across the crossing. A safety note: When crossing the road, parents should hold their child’s hand until they are at least 8 years old.  

Students who will be on bikes or scooters need to wear helmets (it’s the law!). Bikes and scooters must be walked through the school (and across the lights if crossing the road). 

3.15-3.30pm After school 

There is no after school supervision provided at St Kevin’s unless your child is in OOSH. 

Parents are responsible for supervising their children while onsite after dismissal. 

A safety reminder – the play equipment is not to be used at all after school. 

Families should use the Car Park Exit Gate to leave the school grounds. 

General Reminders 

Ensure your child knows where they need to be each afternoon – OOSH/Kiss and Ride/parent pick up. 

No dogs are allowed onto the St Kevin’s school grounds. 

The car park is for staff parking only. St Kevin’s Car Park permits to be displayed at all times.

We appreciate you caring for the safety of all children.